Friday, June 13, 2014

7 Quick Takes: From Nine Years to Nail Polish

So, in an effort to blog more I'm going to try this whole 7qt link up via Bek's Contemplations... and her friends at Team Whitaker. Here goes!

uno. I'm hanging out alone tonight with the kiddos while my hubs relieves my parents and stays with our friend. I'm watching a movie and painting my nails in a new color. Sally Hansen Insta Dry in Jade Jump seen here:
This is my favorite brand of nail polish ever. Ever. 

dos. I've recently started volunteering at our local pregnancy center. Tomorrow I'll spend a couple of hours at our local Beer Cheese Festival walking around, talking to people, and passing out balloons and info for New Beginnings Pregnancy Care Center. I'm excited to help out and excited to eat beer cheese!

tres. Our anniversary is coming up this week! 9 years. Amazing, awesome, wonderful, busy years. Thanks for loving me, Babe! Hey, I'm the lucky one.

quatro. Oh my goodness! My sis is going to have a new little babe next month! I'm getting super excited to meet that new little person. Little babes are the best. I will only struggle with not being able to go to her house and sit and hold that little one all day every day.

cinco. I've been potty training my littlest guy, JRY for the last couple weeks. And it's really happening! He has potty trained younger (25 months) and easier than any of the other three. Thank You, God! He was my most difficult baby and is a super busy, super active but fun and sweet dude. So, all that to say for anything, particularly potty training to be kind of "easy" is a blessing I consider nothing less than major.

seis. I saw the movie "Mom's Night Out" a few weeks ago. Twice. Loved it so much! I felt like I could totally identify with the main mom. Oh, and she was adorable. Anyway, like three days later my fam and I are at the zoo with some friends. While looking at the Andean Condor and some other very large birds, a lady walks by and proceeds to go on and on to tell my friend about some eagle cam she watches online and then spells out the website. I nearly lost it and no one with me knew why that was so hilarious! If you've seen the movie you will understand. Seriously such a funny movie!

seite. Last but definitely not least I get to watch my "god-daughter" (for lack of an official term) tomorrow for a bit. Yay! I'm happy to spend some time with her and the girls will be thrilled too. She is the cutest.

And that's it for today! Adios Amigos!

1 comment:

  1. Nine years?! Dang girl... next year you'll have to come out here for a week and let me watch your kids while you two go do something romantical :)
