Friday, June 20, 2014

7 Quick Takes: A day late and a dollar short...

Hellooo. (Hear this said in the deep deep voice of my 2 year old little guy.) 

Linking up with for 7qt. 

uno. Shew. We made it through crazy week part 1. Now for some weekend crazy including visiting friends, picking up Asher from camp (yay!), and watching my niece and nephews overnight. 

dos. I love a good summer thunderstorm complete with a reasonable amount of lightening and thunder so long as tornadoes are not involved. I do NOT love driving through them. 

tres. I cleaned and rearranged my girls room today. Why does the kids messy rooms make me crazy eventually? I got it done though. I'm feeling very accomplished and the room is feeling very peaceful. Ahhhhh.... 

cuatro. Have I mentioned I love chocolate? LOVE IT. 

cinco. O gosh, duh, we got an iPad!! wahoo! I am so excited! And Daniel is too. :)  we bought it off Craigslist so hopefully it is a successful purchase and we don't regret it. 

seis. Traveling on car trips that are just a few hours long makes me never want to take the kids on long trips anywhere. As a kid, my family drove to Wyoming and back from Kentucky. How did my parents deal with us for that long? Bless them. 

siete. You wanna know something else I love? Skywatching at sunset. I love to see how differently God can paint the sky each night. 

And lucky you get a bonus qt this time around: my 4 year old is brushing her teeth in the car... Or at least playing with her battery powered toothbrush. Why in the car, you ask? She asks, why not? ;) 


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