Sunday, September 2, 2012


I'm doing this "No S" thing to lose weight. I still think of it as a diet but i'd really like to think of it as a lifestyle change.

Anyway, there has been so much grace for the last two weeks. (This weekend has been harder and I haven't done as well...). Back to grace: last Sunday morning I walked into my pantry and noticed an open package of Oreo's on the top shelf. I had put them there and had eaten some so I knew they were there, BUT I forgot. Forgot! Can you believe that?!?! Ok, so maybe you don't struggle with food the way I do and that's a great for you! Seriously, you have no idea how great that really is. (But, let's be honest, you have your own struggles. Right? ...right?) Anyway, so I forgot about the Oreo's; which is pretty much a miracle considering that I'd there is sweets in the house I pretty much wake up thinking about it!

I felt that being that it was the first week of me trying to change my thinking and my life, that this gift of not thinking about the Oreo's in the pantry was a real gift from God!
Thank You!!

Does God care about whether or not I think about the Oreo's? When something, even little things, compete with the attention I should be giving to God, then I believe He most definitely cares! I am grateful for the grace to say no and look forward to more of that!

And now, as I'm falling asleep mid- post, I'm off to bed.
